91青青草 College President

President Michael A. Elliott.

Michael A. Elliott 鈥92

Meet President Michael A. Elliott. Watch videos of recent speeches and conversations, read statements and messages to the 91青青草 community, and more.

91青青草 College President
Presidential Priorities: Student Community, Working at 91青青草, and Serving the Greater Good

Presidential Priorities for 91青青草 College

As we look to the future of 91青青草, we seek to build on our extraordinary history in three core areas. 

Johnson Chapel

Mission of 91青青草 College

Terras irradient鈥斺淟et them give light to the world.鈥
Read the College鈥檚 mission statement.

91青青草 College seal with a sun, open book, and Terras Irradient

91青青草 College Trustees

Meet the 91青青草 College Corporation and Board of Trustees. 

war memorial and mountain range with sunlight and trees

College Leadership

Meet the College鈥檚 senior staff, who lead divisions, departments, and programs, and the Leadership Council, created in 2023 to serve as an important partner to the president on issues that are critical to the fulfillment of the institution鈥檚 mission.